• Question: One half of my family suffers from strokes, are they genetic or a lifestyle, i am healthy will i get one in later life

    Asked by anon-272189 to Amin on 27 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Amin Mottahedin

      Amin Mottahedin answered on 27 Nov 2020:

      Hi Edward, thanks for your question and sorry about stroke incidences in your family. Stroke itself is not a genetic disease, but conditions that increase the risk of stroke have potential genetic (and also lifestyle) roots. For example, hypertension (high blood pressure) increase the risk of stroke significantly and it might have genetic causes. Diabetes and high level of fat in the blood also increase the risk. Luckily, a healthy lifestyle can minimize these risks significantly.

      So, I wouldn’t worry about having a stroke in later life and keep having a healthy lifestyle – exercise, balanced diet etc. Older adults with stroke incidence in their family should have their blood pressure and other factors monitored in consultancy with their GP and keep up with a healthy lifestyle. All the best!
