• Question: How to treat your horse if it has colic ?

    Asked by anon-261394 on 4 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Sarah Killcoyne

      Sarah Killcoyne answered on 4 Nov 2020:

      Call your vet first of all! Then offer them water, keep them up and walking while waiting for the vet to arrive. You don’t want them to lay down or roll as that can cause their intestines to twist while they colic making it much more dangerous.

      Colic is not something you can safely treat yourself. Depending on the severity the vet may need to give them medications to help them through, and in severe cases may recommend surgery.

    • Photo: Guy Yona

      Guy Yona answered on 4 Nov 2020:

      Colic can have different causes, some of which require immediate treatment – it would be irresponsible to give medical advice over the internet without examining the animal. You should call a vet as soon as possible, they will ask you questions and decide if they should come over, or recommend treatment if it’s not severe.
      Best of health to your horse!
